Saturday 3 August 2013

Saturday dress up


Since I posted in the first post that I am going to make clothes, I hav now decided to post a picture every sat of what I am wearing...might be my own designs or just what I wanted to wear for the day....(some photos taken by my amateur photographer or myself....the amateur has not found the photography club as his private school as yet.. ;D and myself are out of her comfort zone what selfie are concerned)

15 October 2013
It's Balloon Week this week - full of activity for the parents of Matric learners. Still, it's fun for the rest of us that has still got some years to get there. Today, was the Parent & Teacher Talk. 

This was my outfit for the day...but regrettably, I am not photogenic at all or the outfit does not come out as it should! Anyway, it's a trouser suit (pants and blouse) with blue/purple lavender paisley pattern (my favourite pattern and also colour) with the purple lavender colour jacket also with a paisley motive but in a embossed satin finish.

12/13 October 2013
I am afraid, there is no update this weekend. I had to supervise Mavis which was more difficult that I thought it would be. But, I was wearing my black skirt (worn before) with light weight jerseys and antique seed bead necklaces (like last week) with black flat ballet pumps. Once again, a weekend with freezing weather (16) which is typical spring weather in Grahamstown! Hope to get a selfie soon. 

6 October 2013
Yesterday I was dressed in my pink skirt with the butterflies, pink t/shirt with  pink (I know....all this pink! But I like it!) jersey with flat ballet shoes. I was also wearing my vintage seed necklaces with my pink measuring tape brooch (refer to previous posts). Regrettably, there were no amateur photographers around to take the photo. I hope to replicate it soon and have a proper photo done!

Today, it rained! So, in with my shortest little dress, thights with pink flowers and! My toes get very cold when it rains!
To be continued.....

15 September 2013
Once again (!) a windy day in our sleepy little EC town. Today, I am wearing the start of my new summer closet, the skirt is light weight wool, shirt is WW, jacket is vintage (ie. over 10 years..actually was a different colour until I had it professionally dyed in this lovely navy colour - upcycle... not sure but it is now a lot more wearable) the jewellery .... something new ( new bead necklace), something old (beads), something blue (the colour of the beads), something borrowed (none - they are all mine!),  something handmade (the knitted brooches on my jacket, some of the beads, my skirt) now on my way to shops. ....!

07 Sepember 2013
Well, this photo was taken at lunch time (by another even younger amateur photographer) on the hottest driest day in Gtown. It started off with black skirt (made), white t/shirt with blue/white scarf with little bobbles (made) and a blue jersey that I have knitted. But to take a photo with jersey in this heat is just impossible! But... I am wearing my new white button bracelet that Ii made earlier this week.  O, yes, and the big sunglasses..seeems every yummy mummy has them, not that I am in that same league. So, 3 things made by me seems great.
A lot of the blue / teal material has been turned into garments. Now the weather needs to improve so that I can post it. 

01 September 2013
Boots, leggings, cream shirt with red knitted pullover (Rowan wool knitted by me) and multi colour silk scarf (only the best! and another favourite item to wear) with 'mad hatters hat' (not made by me) but extra embellishment done by me ie. the beaded butterflies in assorted colours pinned to the front of the hat. It's a fun blue colour and I enjoy wearing it...get a lot of compliments and the best is that it is warm against the cold wind on this lovely 'Spring Day'. I am also wearing my favourite red coat with the red 'measuring tape brooch' as shown in a previous post on this blog. (Freezing  means that it is leggings again....need protection against cold!) 

18 Aug 2013
Leather jacket ( was my dad's) green pullover, leggings and boots, cream mohair scarf and fingerless gloves (I knitted with homespun mohair wool bought in Bathurst) with rosary as accessory..if I wear it it makes me realise that someone is over me.

11Aug 2013
Mohair jacket (I made), mohair jersey with pearls/beads, jeans with scarf & pearls

04 Aug 2013
Long skirt, tekkies and t-shirt with scarf