Saturday 27 July 2013

Pastel button cushion

Close up of button detail.

Flower crochet necklace

More quilts

These are some of the other quilts that I made or made & quilted or quilted only.

Jonathan's quilt

This is Jonathan's quilt, very different from Timmy's.

Learning to quilt on my sewing machine

Learning to quilt on my sewing machine did not take that long to master.
Then the next... 
Then the next....
This was a master piece, next photo of the back of the quilt will show the detail.  

Mom's quilt

I am the only female in a family of 3 males (1 x husband with 2 sons) so I made a pink quilt for me.

Timmy's quilt

This is now the more modern way of learning the techniques of sampler quilting. It has a theme of the boats at sea and then it goes up to the stars in the sky with houses and trees and aeroplanes. There was always  aeroplanes in the quilts I made for the children! Flying runs in my family as well as in my husbands family. My father owned a Tiger Moth and my cousin also owned one after searching for the exact one my father owned.  Regretfully, here they are not in yellow.

First quilt

This is the very first quilt I made in the classes I went to in Heidelberg. It's a sampler quilt and it shows the different techniques and blocks available. It very traditional way of learning and this is now an old fashioned way. There are now more modern ways of learning of duing your first quilt.

Upcycle apron from jeans

I kept most if not all the jeans in my family, actually I wanted to make a auilt out of them - still do, but i think it will a bit longer to get to a quilt.

After making the aprons from shirst, Tracy at Kisma (shop selling stuff made in and around Grahamstown) said would it not be cool if I make denim aprons for Father's day. I made two but they did not sell, so i took them back and reworked them a bit! This is the best one so far - it's my jeans but the 'pocket' is my son's toddler jeans (2 years).

Wednesday 17 July 2013

Upcycle men's shirts

I have seen a picture in a book on how to upcycle men's shirts into a apron. The instructions are there, but I decided to make it my way. Never really been good at following instructions, it has to be extremely simple and clear otherwise I look at the item and do it my way...!

The first 3 I made where plain shirts and to give it twist, I decided to add a tie to them, as in "just-home-from-work-and-just-undid-top-button-to-start-cooking"! It's a fun way to do something that is the same old item always. So it was in a way to reinvent a wheel or apron :D

Another is made from very bright phrple green casual shirt - no ties here but a pocket handkerchief to give it that something. The same for the pink check shirt - only a hankie to make it nice!