Wednesday 17 July 2013

Upcycle men's shirts

I have seen a picture in a book on how to upcycle men's shirts into a apron. The instructions are there, but I decided to make it my way. Never really been good at following instructions, it has to be extremely simple and clear otherwise I look at the item and do it my way...!

The first 3 I made where plain shirts and to give it twist, I decided to add a tie to them, as in "just-home-from-work-and-just-undid-top-button-to-start-cooking"! It's a fun way to do something that is the same old item always. So it was in a way to reinvent a wheel or apron :D

Another is made from very bright phrple green casual shirt - no ties here but a pocket handkerchief to give it that something. The same for the pink check shirt - only a hankie to make it nice!

1 comment:

  1. I found a really cool men's gift site called
