Wednesday 31 December 2014

Brown/Light green upcycle iPad/tablet cover

Dark green/brown iPad cover made from ties. 

Navy Upcycle iPad/tablet cover

Another upcycle tie cover made from navy/red ties. 

Green Upcycle iPad/tablet cover

I have a number of men's ties and I have been struggling to find something to make them with. 

The best is the messenger bag butregrettably, it does not sell!

So I have up cycled them once again into these iPad/tablet covers.  

iPad covers

I made these iPad covers from felt. 

No reason for the design as I was just experimenting with designs and how it will come out. 

White westie (Scottie) dog

Owl cover

Baby corduroy cover with padding 

Friday 21 November 2014

Crochet baby blanket

My very first attempt of crochet baby blanket with 100% cotton yarn.

Pink tape measure brooch

This is the only pink tape measure brooch I made. Believe it or not, it turns out pink ones is scarce. It has a lovely big red button with a smaller black and pink button. 

Tuesday 28 October 2014


I made this bag from baby curduroy in flower design (long ago the fabric was bought to make a waistcoat) and I added a denim pocket in front with a tiny back pocket as extra detail 

Don't forget the love (red heart) on the side of the bag

Thursday 4 September 2014

Shrug cardigan/throw over with sleeves

I found this knitting pattern on Ravelry, but the pattern is not 100% right. Either that or I can not read and process what is written.

It is a loose throw over cardigan/shrug that gives cover against the elements, but is still light enough so that it can be worn in spring/summer/fall on days that are cooler.

This is my version : (use 4mm needles) 

Cast on 88 sts

Row 1-3 : knit every row (garter stitch).
Row 4 : (rs) :
Knit   23, yo, k1, plce mrkr (pm)  yo, k9, yo, k1, pm, yo, k24, yo, k1, pm, yo, k9, yo, k1, pm, yo, k23. 
....... (Knit 23 (left front) k9 (left sleeve) k24 (back) k9 (right sleeve) k23 (right front))

Row 5 :   k3,  purl to last 3 st, k3.

**repeat row 4 & 5 until the amount of stitches : 

On the front are : 
On the sleeves are :
On the back are :

Next row : (ws) ***k3, purl across the left front piece to the marker, pm,... -knit-across the stitches for left sleeve to the marker..., pm, purl across the back piece as per the amount of stitches to the next marker,  pm, ...-knit-all the stitches for the right sleeve to the next marker..., yo, purl the right front piece to last 3 sts, k3
Next row : (rs) knit all the stitches.
Next row : repeat *** row 
Next row : (rs) knit all the stitches. 
Next row : (ws) k3, purl across the left front piece to the marker, pm, ...cast off all the stitches for the left sleeve to the marker....., pm, purl across the back piece as per the amount of stitches to the next marker, pm, ....cast off all the stitches for the right sleeve....., pm, purl the right front piece to the last 3 sts, k3.

Finishing the body. 
Work the entire left front, back and right front as one piece in garter stitch.

Continue until you have reached the desired length. 

Work the last 4 rows in garter stitch (knit every row). 

Cast off the stitches. 

Weave all loose threads away.

Monday 28 July 2014

Timmy's photo shop

IGive a "app" to a teenager and the most amazing things happen to ordinary items. 
The cat.....
The bag (part 1)
The bag (part 2)
The bag (part 3) the same bag....!

Friday 23 May 2014

Upcycle denim book covers

For my little boy Jono, I made him little upcycle denim book covers, for his diary, his WW2 notes and notes on the crusades. All this is part of his remedial education given to him by his fabulous school, especially his most wonderful teacher who is an angel on earth. 

Credit card wallets

Credit card wallets with note wallets

My own idea

These backpacks are like peanuts, once you get going is just so many different jeans and that only means that none of the bags look alike. They all have the same structure, but the material and trim is different and THAT is the fun part. Who says being creative and making things are boring....? 

I must also mention that today, 27 Jan 2016, a photo of my bags were posted on FB. The person asked who would be willing to reproduce it.... Is that not just the best compliment EVAH....  

Still, I managed to delete as much as I can - some photos are now lost forever ....  

But in view of my exclusivity assured that .... Mriasani makes one one of a kind ....

Sannie - dis fun - ek mis jou terribly!!!

More ......

Thursday 22 May 2014

Little wallets

I made these little wallets so see how the material, stabilizer and magnetic popper will work. It all turned out pretty nice :D don't you think?

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Upcycle tie skirt

I have collected so many ties now, so I took all the ones that are more used and also the odd colour ones. I have originally wanted to make a dress, but you need to make it in a tailoring principle. That is too rigid as opposed to just sewing everything at random for a more 'natural' look. Also, I did not unpick the ties, I used them as is. I do not recommend that you unpick the ties - they are cut on the bias and have sometimes upto 2/3 seams in them which can stretch and distort your final product.

I measured the length, 90cm, placed them in a pleasing manner at absolute random intervals (the funny thing is...the greens ended up together, the blues together and the the reds together....!) first pin and sew each tie by measuring it again when you pin it, sew up to your measurement, continue until the skirt fits. 

Fit your skirt to make sure that it it is a comfortable - it is not easy to adjust after the waistband have been sewn on. How tight or loose you want it is your choice, but remember, the ties do stretch as they are made on the bias. Sew a zip between 2 ties.

To add a waistband, I stitched 1cm from the top of the skirt. I made another 1cm straight stitch above this, as you want to secure the loose ends of the ties that you will be cutting. It can unravel beyond all expectations, so rather be safe than sorry! 

Then, I cut between these 2 lines. I already had another tie for the waistband but it your choice how you would like to finish it off. You can also use material in a conventional way, but, I liked the idea of another tie. I stitched again 1cm from the edge. Place the tie so that it has equal sides on both side ends for a 'tie over'. Sew neatly thru all the thicknesses into place. I used a satin bias binding to finish off the raw edges of the skirt.

Enjoy wearing your unique skirt!

Monday 28 April 2014

Upcycle denim wallet

Somehow, it seems that one's wallet is never big my case, not for the amount of money that I need to carry (I wish) but for the slips and slops that goes with the territory of having credit cards and loyalty cards.

So I have decided to make something more suitable for what I need. I have 100% cotton fabric and you can not use it everywhere. It is hand dyed and that gives it a lovely colour.

Herewith my very first attempt - I am very pleased with it even if there is mistakes. It has 8 card slots and 3 pockets as well as a zip pocket for change.

Watch out for more as it was fun to make...

Friday 11 April 2014

Upcycle tie messenger bag

Navy/red ...

Upcycle tape measure brooches

This is my idea from the tape measure that come in the box of Home school equipment for Jono Jnr. I so badly wanted to keep it as a lasting momento of our special time together. 

I have made a number of them now and still have to see anything like this on the internet. My own inspiration/creation!
Green ...
Pink ....


More yellow....

Handspun mohair neck scarf

I bought this wool about a year ago from a shop in Bathurst. It is hand spun/organically dyed mohair wool. It is absolutely wonderful to wear as a 'cuff' around your neck in winter. 

It fits in that triangle made by a shirt, or a coat or even over a polo neck/t-shirt.

Peach ...
Gray ....

The red hen shop ...?

Or this one..?

This one..?

Handmade by mriasani logo

Logo 2...! Yeah..!


Wednesday 9 April 2014

Shortbread with cranberries

I got this recipe from a magazine. I made it yesterday before we when to lunch. By it is so different from any of the shortbread recipes I have made. I had to put it back into the oven after the required baking time as I was sure it was not baked properly. But....after the extra time, it taste really yummy.

Saturday 29 March 2014

Saturday bake off was time for some sugar-free chocolate oat cookies. Very yummy  without compromise on taste but so low on sugar that it should get a licence to be eaten three times a day!