Wednesday 30 April 2014

Upcycle tie skirt

I have collected so many ties now, so I took all the ones that are more used and also the odd colour ones. I have originally wanted to make a dress, but you need to make it in a tailoring principle. That is too rigid as opposed to just sewing everything at random for a more 'natural' look. Also, I did not unpick the ties, I used them as is. I do not recommend that you unpick the ties - they are cut on the bias and have sometimes upto 2/3 seams in them which can stretch and distort your final product.

I measured the length, 90cm, placed them in a pleasing manner at absolute random intervals (the funny thing is...the greens ended up together, the blues together and the the reds together....!) first pin and sew each tie by measuring it again when you pin it, sew up to your measurement, continue until the skirt fits. 

Fit your skirt to make sure that it it is a comfortable - it is not easy to adjust after the waistband have been sewn on. How tight or loose you want it is your choice, but remember, the ties do stretch as they are made on the bias. Sew a zip between 2 ties.

To add a waistband, I stitched 1cm from the top of the skirt. I made another 1cm straight stitch above this, as you want to secure the loose ends of the ties that you will be cutting. It can unravel beyond all expectations, so rather be safe than sorry! 

Then, I cut between these 2 lines. I already had another tie for the waistband but it your choice how you would like to finish it off. You can also use material in a conventional way, but, I liked the idea of another tie. I stitched again 1cm from the edge. Place the tie so that it has equal sides on both side ends for a 'tie over'. Sew neatly thru all the thicknesses into place. I used a satin bias binding to finish off the raw edges of the skirt.

Enjoy wearing your unique skirt!

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