Wednesday 15 January 2014

Christmas and New Year 2014

made Christmas trifle for our lunch with Andrew and Heather Tracey. 

The base was chocolate patat cake that Marda made (bought at Home industries) , green and orange jelly (my kitchen helper did not see the red colour jelly in the grocery cupboard...he needs a pair of readers!) with custard and cream, strawberries, blue berries and peacans....topped with my home made meringues! 

It was definately the cherry on the cake...they were absolutely melted in your mouth.

I made another trifle, this time with the red and green jelly, custard and cream, strawberries and blue berries with pecans....but the base today was   Banana loaf I made on Tuesday. The bananas ripens so quickly in this heat and I did not want to waste it.

The meringues were smaller today, but not as successful as my stove power/gas kept on cutting out! Real nuisance...!

More please Mom....

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