Saturday 3 January 2015

Upcycle memo/diary covers (6 covers)

I like to write in a little book my thoughts, plans and dreams that I have. These thoughts might not always be mine...I also write little things that my children say that I think is very cute. 

In a way, it is a secret diary but since no once really knows what the covered little book is, by secrets are always save. Then again, in my family, there are no real secrets. I tell my children everything and I think that is way we have such an unique relationship. I would like to think that I do treat them as if they are adults, but I also tend to be a real mom and can nag them too if some things aren't done.  I listen to by teenagers' (16)'s not that bad really (or maybe his taste is very mature!).  I also play my little one's game of Clash of Clans. I am not really sure about this game - but it brings me closer to my 12 year old and it means a lot to him. 

6 covers with denim pockets and red heart trim

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