Tuesday 26 February 2013

Button cushions

We moved nearly 1000km into our new house in a new province. The house is so different from out previous house!

Our previous house was a beautiful 1938 house with beautiful pressed ceilings and wooden floors with huge space. The rooms were big and there was a room for everyone and everything..... a study, lovely sunny Sunroom (enclosed veranda) 3 x bedrooms, a workroom for me (another bedroom) kitchen and 2 bathrooms. All still in good condition since the house have only had 4 (incl us) owners!

Our new house hav had many owners and everyone wanted to put his mark on the house.....a huge mismatch of renovations!

We are also embarking on our share of making an impression on the house!

I wanted to have something new for the lounge and since cushions are so easy to change, decided to do something new. I found the cushion covers for very little and the buttons too.

The heart shape was the first attempt which took a long time since I wanted it to be perfect! Well....the second was a lot more successful as I just worked on my instinct to create this unique cushion cover.

I got the cushion covers from this really nice shop in Port Alfred, called the 'Funky Junk' shop. It sells good 2nd hand house hold items. The buttons were also some that I found in some boxes. It actully turned out very well if I think back now. My sewing stuff were still in boxes. I only got to unpack my sewing mashine last week......and still have not done any sewing as yet!

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