Thursday 23 May 2013

Measuring tape brooches

In the six months before we moved to Grahamstown, I home schooled our youngest son, Jonathan. The language of tuition in his new school is English. I found a lovely homeschool program, Clonard, here in South Africa as we had to tailor made the program to cover Gr 1-3 in 6 months in English. In the study material also arrived a lovely black & white tape measure. In the week before the movers come to pack up the household content, I realised that I had to make something special with something out of the study material - it was fun for Jonathan and me but it was also a huge learning curve for both of us!

I read in a magazine, Molly Makes, which is a UK publication that there was a lady who had a shop in England, selling all this wonderful handmade jewellery. In the article it is mentioned that she also made brooches with tape measures ...... but there was no picture! 

I thought that was a lovely idea since I do like to wear brooches a lot and this meant that I could make one as a lasting memory about the wonderful time that I had with my son for 6 months during our home schooling time.

I have been looking at the internet ever since then to see what she made, but it is this time of all things internet, I have not been able to get to see her jewellery. Needless to say, the magazine went missing in the move (all or most of the magazines went missing), so I hav no reference point anymore! 

If it is the same as hers', then he saying of 'great minds think alike' would be very true in this case!

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