Saturday 5 October 2013

Bead page marker

have been so busy making stock to be sold and that in doing so if does seem that I have not been able to create something new.

I have played around with some beads and have made some book markers with beads that I have had. There were only a few and I like the way the book markers have come out! They are mine and I will not make them in other colours. 

The beads were originally a gift in the form of a keyring but it looked so strange that I never used it. However, this week I decided to go through my beadbox to see if I can find something new and were very pleased when I discovered them. 

I placed them in the books that was published by the Albany Museum on the history of the area starting back in 1815. It was published in the late 1960. We bought the books at our church Fete who got it as a donation. 

All 4 book marks
More detail

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